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Book Review: 'Who Moved My Dentures?' 13 False (Teeth) Truths About Long-Term Care and Aging in America"


Who Moved My Dentures? 13 False (Teeth) Truths About Long-Term Care and Aging in America The general perception of long-term care facilities is of places to be avoided at all costs. This book is intended to dispel that perception.

The general perception of long-term care facilities is of places to be avoided at all costs. This book is intended to dispel that perception. "Who Moved My Dentures?" is written by entertainer and health care consultant Anthony Cirillo, who travels around the country performing for seniors at nursing homes and other venues.

Cirillo highlights the positive aspects of long-term care facilities. Using human interest stories of people he has met through his work, Cirillo shows that these often-dreaded facilities are full of life, including romance, friendships, and activities. He contends that they build resiliency, which in turn leads to longer life.

While Cirillo acknowledges there are problems, he believes that the majority of long-term care facilities have few troubles. In addition, he dispels myths that most long-term care facility residents are mentally ill or suffer from dementia, and instead presents a picture of residents who are active and engaged in the world around them.

Cirillo doesn't discuss nursing home rights and regulations, but he does offer some information on paying for long-term care and tips for how to judge a good facility. "Who Moved My Dentures?" is easy to read, with many heartwarming stories, and presents a different perspective from the one found in most other nursing home-related books.

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